Our service:

As a "Retirement Planning Specialist", we are able to provide guidance and assistance in assuring that both the needs for employer and employee on retirement planning are met. We are always ready to provide the following services:

  • Scheme design assistance and consultation.
  • Assistance in preparing the document for registration of the scheme by the Registrar of ORSO.
  • Preparation of a sample announcement of the scheme to Employees.
  • Assistance in holding enrollment meetings for participating Employees.
  • Periodic statements of account for Employers and Employees to be prepared not less than annually.
  • Calculation and payment of benefits.
  • General administration and record keeping.

Our Investment Philosophy

Our investment managers adopt a bottom-up investment approach achieved through systematic evaluation of company fundamentals and in-depth original research. We believe superior stock selection combined with disciplined risk management are two important elements in investment management. Through the systematic investment analysis panel and experienced investment specialists, we strive to provide capital gain opportunities and help achieve members' retirement investment goals.