Important Notes:


  1. The Principal Capital Guaranteed Fund under Principal MPF Scheme Series 800 and the Principal Long Term Guaranteed Fund under Principal MPF Scheme Series 600 & 800 (collectively the "Schemes") invest solely in an approved pooled investment fund in the form of an insurance policy issued by Principal Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited ("Principal"). The guarantee is also provided by Principal. Your investments in these funds, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risk of Principal. Please refer to the sections "Principal Capital Guaranteed Fund" of the Principal Brochure of Principal MPF Scheme Series 800 and "Principal Long Term Guaranteed Fund" of the Principal Brochures of the relevant Schemes for the details of the credit risk, guarantee features and guarantee conditions.
  2. Principal, the Guarantor of the Principal Long Term Guaranteed Fund under the Schemes, will only provide a guarantee of capital and a prescribed guarantee rate of return in certain specified circumstances. Please note that you may lose the guarantee entitlement if you have elected to transfer your accrued benefits in the Schemes (i) from an account within the Schemes to another account within the respective Schemes; (ii) from the Principal Long Term Guaranteed Fund to another constituent fund in the respective Schemes; or (iii) to another MPF scheme as described in the sub-section (B) "Transferring benefits from or within the Scheme" under the section "Employee's Choice - Transferring accrued benefits to and from the Scheme" of the Principal Brochures of the relevant Schemes. For Principal MPF Scheme Series 600 & 800, please refer to page 8 and 12 of the Principal Brochures respectively under the section "Provision of Guarantee" for details of the guarantee conditions.

  3. Principal, the Guarantor of the Principal Capital Guaranteed Fund under Principal MPF Scheme Series 800, will provide a guarantee to ensure the unit value of the fund will never decrease. Prior to 30 December 2011, under the indirect charge option (i.e. Class I Units after 30 December 2011), part of the management fee is asset based which is deducted from the net asset value of the fund, while the remaining part is payable by deducting units from member's account. As such, capital may not be guaranteed in absolute term for scheme members under the indirect charge option before 30 December 2011. For details, please refer to the sections "How the guarantee works" and "Fees and Charges" of the Principal Brochure of Principal MPF Scheme Series 800.

  4. Investment in the Principal HK Dollar Savings Fund is different from placing deposits with a bank or deposit-taking company and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme. Investment in this fund will be subject to investment risks.

  5. The Principal MPF Conservative Fund under the Schemes are not guaranteed funds and do not guarantee the repayment of capital. Fees and charges of a MPF conservative fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) members' account by way of unit deduction. These funds use method (i) and, therefore, unit prices/net asset value/fund performance quoted have incorporated the impact of fees and charges.
  6. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your own circumstances.
  7. In the event that you do not make any investment choices, please be reminded that any contributions made and/or benefits transferred into the Schemes will be invested into the Principal HK Dollar Savings Fund under the Schemes, and such funds may not necessarily be a suitable investment for you.

  8. Investment involves risks. The value of the funds may go up or down. You should not invest in reliance on this marketing material alone. You should read the Principal Brochure of the relevant Schemes for further details (including investment policy, risk factors, fee and charges of the constituent funds).


What is Personal Account?
A personal account in relation to a member of an MPF scheme, means an account (not a contribution account) within the scheme, (a) into which special contributions (if any) are paid in respect of the member; (b) in which the member's accrued benefits (if any) in respect of any former employment or former self-employment of the member are held; (c) in which the member's accrued benefits (that are deriving from employee mandatory contributions only, if any) in respect of any current employment of the member are held ; and (d) in which the member's Minimum MPF Benefits (if any) transferred to the scheme from an ORSO exempted scheme or an ORSO registered scheme are held.  

With Principal MPF Personal Account, you can enjoy a flexible, affordable and convenient way which may help you reach your retirement goals.


Issuer of this material:  Principal Trust Company (Asia) Limited